About us

We are a group of Argentine Tango dancers based in Cambridge. We are enthusiastic about Tango and want to create opportunities for our already dancing friends to improve and enjoy themselves even more and for new comers to experience Tango and join our vibrant and close community.

When you attend our events you can expect to be met, taught, or helped by Amelia, Sylwia, Ivan, or Radu. We’ve all been dancing socially for maaaaany years, have experience teaching a range of levels, and have lent a hand to building tango communities. We are respected and appreciated dancers in Cambridge, in London, and well beyond. We also all have successful professions outside of tango – we are lecturers, designers, and researchers – we do what we do for fun and to share the love we have for the dance.

Tango keeps us busy beyond dancing it and building it up in Cambridge. We meet for dinners, picknicks, and party with our local friends (many of which we’ve met through dancing and we get along well with Salseros, Bachateros and others!). We globetrot to Tango Events to dance and connect with our international friends. And we sometimes find our soulmates there.

Sylwia and Radu improvising a little demo in the Cambridge Lions Yard for Halloween (our daughter wouldn’t allow us to dance without her so we made the best of it)
Radu and Amelia enjoy some dancing in Budapest
Radu plays some music outdoors for some London Tango folks

Ivan with our lovely Cambridge alumni Heidi in Geneva

Radu and Sylwia take it easy with some dancing by the pool in Porec, Croatia

Two of about thousand people at the Mediterranean Summer Tango Festival
Ivan returning to his roots at the Sofia Tango Festival

Amelia is big into Argentinian folklore, something a bit of which often happens at Tango events.
Our girls are strong but a whole night of dancing sometime takes its toll

Dinners, dinners, dinners – in Budapest, Krakow, Prague